Roster Crafting Events Vanguard Housing
Strayhold Offline Roster
Strayhold Kinship Forums

Barad Guldur (Raid) Sunday 07.07.2019 10am

Date:2019-07-07 (Sunday)
Forum Thread:View
The Muster:Almost Open Raids (Almost Open Raids are for all Landroval Denizens. Make sure you sign up!)
Requirements:Level 65 required, as well as Mirkwood access (completion of prologue "Mirkwood Landing"). Could probably squeeze in a couple non-65s for first boss farm.
Event Results:5 runs at Durchest, 4 1st Age symbols recieved.

Signed Up

Event requested by Bhu and Tiggy, set a leader prior to either adding to event
4.Dancyn Boots
not sure if I can make it
6.Lord Black Fice Hawk
If I`m closer to 65...