1. | Mule | 2. | The Eldrenath | | | Bringing the halberd-based pew pew!3. | Leorick | | | BARD p0werz4. | Fafnir | | 5. | Erahael | | 6. | Stora | | | I`ll be around, would like to bring in my champ for a shot at boot`s if possible.7. | gtmoose | | | dolfindel8. | Tombatuk | | | Tombatuk, or even Knutwine if really needed9. | Renira | | | Reniraen10. | Aisley | | 11. | Lord Black Fice Hawk | | Probably on a bit later than 830, we shall see.12. | Tairii | | | | | | | | | | |