1. | Lord Black Fice Hawk | 2. | Wolormur | | | I`m off work on Friday, so I can do the rift on Thursday. Yah!3. | Tombatuk | | 4. | Fafnir | | | everone`s passing on the pants for Faf, right? ;)5. | Desiat0 | | | Orindor6. | Flavium | | | Capt. for the 1st 2 bosses then over to Hun7. | Thurbrand of Dale | | | planning on guard unless LM is needed8. | Stora | | | Ill bring Guard or Champ which ever is needed.9. | Leorick | 10. | Quizz | | CJ Champ11. | Lyriel | | If you need me - Guard, Min, or terrible LM12. | Rufina | | May be a little late | | | | | | | | | | | | | |