1. | Mule | | Right here! I can make it on Mule and should have enough Radiance to come on Joyful too :)2. | Fafnir | | | Where`s Mule? ;) - Faf, Aury and Mel are all watcher ready.3. | Avaunt | | | See comment in the Watcher thread. 4. | Galwynn | | 5. | Xalt | | | LM 6/6, Hunt 6/6 - Friend of Strayhold6. | Andring | | | May be a few minutes late7. | Flopp | | | Floppster is gtg8. | Manaran | | | Champ 6/6 9. | Stora | | | I`ll be there.10. | LordOz | | | Rahne 5/6 Hunter11. | Etheowyn | | | Eth is Watcher ready. No others. :(12. | Wolormur | | ~ ALTERNATES ~ | 13. | Vorm the Undying | | | uhm, i thought i had signed up a long time ago! RAD 6514. | Lord Black Fice Hawk | | I am in full DPS mode.15. | Lyriel | | GRD is 6/6. MIN is 4/6.16. | Bjorn | | Available with Hunter or Captain, or merely as a technical consultant.17. | Cynwyna | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |