| should be up for a couple more hours about this time...maybe2. | Gineva Silversong | | 3. | Cynwyna | | | might be able to get up and be workable by this time..........4. | Azurewrath | | | ( . Y . ) Giannine (RK Extraordinare)5. | Theodetti | | | Pulling an all-nighter, so I will def be there with my wrd :)6. | Lord Black Fice Hawk | | Not even SURE I`ll make it. I might tho.7. | Naaja | | I might also maybe perhaps (definitely if I hear the alarm) make it to this questionable event at the earliest available time and stay until whenever. Hunter (most likely), maybe Burg (less likely)...whatever! Edit: and then I slept thru the alarm. Sucktastico!8. | Stora | | If im alive at this point after friday night ill try and make it.9. | Danwarr | | might only be able to stay for little bit :( | | | | | | | | | | | |