1. | Spec | 2. | Wolormur | | 3. | Danwarr | | | I`m BAAAAACK!!4. | Uli | | 5. | coldbeer | | | had fun dying last night, hungry for more6. | Joelburg | | | aye iz redy two dye :P7. | Cynwyna | | | Lally .....BE THERE8. | Fordarb | | 9. | Gerakl | | | tanki tanki10. | claxdal | | | wow i shouldent sign up the day of the event anymore11. | Jhed | | | can bring champ guard huntard or burg whatever is needed12. | Fafnir | | | I`m signing up late for this one, so I`ll be on stand by for a filler~ ALTERNATES ~ | 13. | Etheowyn | | I can help if needed.14. | Loki-69 | | Vardias (minstrel) 15. | Pinchit | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |