| IMMA READY TO SKIRM!!2. | Joelburg | | 3. | Venerable | | 4. | Lord Black Fice Hawk | | | OH I AM IN. 12 man skirm = teh rule5. | claxdal | | | im ready for black hawk to kill us in some skirms6. | Erahael | | 7. | Cynwyna | | 8. | Wolormur | | 9. | quiznoaz | | Not sure when you`re running it, but you can look if Baranath(Cap) or Glorathir(Champ) is online if you need people.10. | Mcarthur | | I think I can join in on some of the skirms, have ntot down more then duos before really. | | | | | | |