1. | Spec | 2. | Flopp | 3. | Mcarthur | | | guard, LM, warden, hunter, mini4. | heilxx | | 5. | Allainnia | | 6. | Ironhead | | 7. | Wolormur | | 8. | quiznoaz | | | Baranath (Captain). As of now I should be able to make this one.9. | Loki-69 | | | Vardias10. | Beregond | | 11. | Lord Black Fice Hawk | | 12. | Fafnir | | ~ ALTERNATES ~ | 13. | Thurbrand of Dale | | | Wife is getting together with friends...woot!14. | Fordarb | | | Have T1 down, need T2 for some bling15. | Etheowyn | | In an earlier raid, may be able to help out later if needed. | | | | | | | | |