1. | Lord Black Fice Hawk | 2. | Wolormur | | 3. | Loki-69 | | | Vardias or my hunter Celaros if we have the healing covered.4. | Mcarthur | | | Burg, LM, Warden, capt#2 or if we have healing covered can do that 5. | heilxx | | 6. | Cynwyna | | | Lally should be 75 by then.....7. | Ironhead | | 8. | Flopp | | 9. | Spec | | | Would like to bring Xotho(dps and heal support) but can bring Spec10. | Thurbrand of Dale | | 11. | Curathir | | 12. | Flavium | | ~ ALTERNATES ~ | 13. | Vemy | | 14. | Uli | | | warden or burg15. | Fordarb | | | | | | | |