1. | Aldertag | 2. | Kichisaburo | | 3. | Tor | | | Prefer Cappy 4. | Baldrik | | | Champ or RK unless we need another class5. | Farlee | | | will bring my burg6. | Beregond | | | Prefer to bring RK or Guardian7. | Grummel | | 8. | Kraik | | 9. | Aidenna | | | I would like to bring my not so baby-burg along for this run, please.10. | Lord Black Fice Hawk | | 11. | Vemy | | 12. | Erennas | | ~ ALTERNATES ~ | 13. | Caidan | | 14. | Rhandom | 15. | lanpharn | | Something has come up, probably can`t make it...16. | Wamba | | I will be on line if you guys need an alternate | | | | | | | | | | |