1. | Mule | 2. | Amroth | | | Strangeway.3. | Kaz | | 4. | Akand | | | resigning Aisley up as non-reserve!5. | Thurbrand of Dale | | | Grasshawk for boots, any other for other bosses6. | Stora | | | If I can pull myself from GTA4 I`ll be there as long as needed.7. | Flopp | | | Hunter prefered.. need the early kills and gear.. but Guard avail8. | The Eldrenath | | 9. | Flavium | | | I`d like to come as Lucia, my minstrel but I may be up to 1/2 an hour late...10. | CJ -Jeff | | | Feel free to call Gandric of you need a Min. Duthorin is also available if you need a Guard. Of course I expect Strayhold memebers to get first crack.11. | Beregond | | | Beremond lvl 50 Burglar or Beregond if you need a captian. Also, if someone doesn`t want to be there for the first 2 kills (Barz and Zurm) I will be happy to leave after they die.12. | Bjorn | | | Carpe Jugulum, but don`t hold Beregond against me. If you wind up needing a fill in holler. Hunter, Burglar, and Guardian [Hunter preferred]. Will happily bow out after Barz & Zurm if people need the slot.~ ALTERNATES ~ | 13. | Lord Black Fice Hawk | | I`ll give up my spot to join later, if it`s not full.14. | Aisley | | I want to see what happens with Fox! *munches popcorn*15. | Gillaed | 16. | Andring | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |